(Salsila of Buayan Maranao version)
Edited By, Datu Ontay Acmad M. Abdulmadid  

Like the ancient Greeks, the Maguindanaos people believe in oral myths and histories relating to their ancestral origins. Thus the people of Buayan claim descent from Datu Mamu, the first founding ancestors of Buayan, DATU MAMU (son of Andal-a-Kilat with the Bai sa Sugod-a-Buayan), married to a Bai sa Matutum (Bai a “Midadari” [“Midadari” is a woman/lady who is an Angel-alike]), the children is Dalimbang Giomla Alam (Rajah Buayan a Budtol). His powerful existence of ruling the entire Buayan was estimated in the middle part of 13th century. He was the first recorded datu/ruler of Buayan, followed by his son DATU BUDTUL, the second recorded datu/ruler of Buayan in the later part of the 13th century up to the early part of the 14th century. Datu Budtul is married to Bai Ampayok (daughter of the Datu sa Palao of Maguindanao). With these marriage, they raised children namely: Malang-sa-Inged, the Sultan Dalimbang sa Langeban, Amilil sa Pawas, and Omarmaya Poluwa. Another children of Budtol with the other woman is the Sultan sa Labu. Other children of Budtol with another woman are Datu sa Palaw, the first Datu of Matenggawanen, and the Sultan of Malasila who married with the Bai sa Matutum. Then, another children of Budtol with the Bai na Isulan are Dalimbang-a-Manebped, Sultan Padas, Omarmaya Midtimbang, and Rajah Batua. When Rajah Buayan a Budtol married to another forty (40) women, one of them have five (5) children, another have four (4) children, another have three (3) children, another have two (2) children, and some have no child at all. During the time of Rajah Buayan a Budtol, Shariff Kabunsuan did not yet arrived at the shore of Maguindanao. On this time, only Shariff Raja Baginda had arrived in Maguindanao from Basilan, where he first landed. Datu Budtol is the father of the two ruling brothers namely: Malang-sa-Inged and Datu Poluwa.

 Datu Budtul’s later descendant was his eldest son Ancestor Malang sa Ingud who was married to Potre Miraganding a Beautiful daughter of Shariff Kabunsoan and Potre Tomanina the adapted sister of Rajah Tabonawan and Datu Mamalo. Malang sa Inged give birth to a boy, Dato Rajah Silongan the controversial Leader and great Ancestor of Sultanate of Buayaan.

History of Sultante of Buayaan

SHARIFF AHMAD of Makka or Moh. Saripoden is married to Putri Tammat, the daughter of Raja Hassim (King of Yemen). Their children are Shariff Raja Baginda, Shariff Alimuddin, Shariff Hassan, and Shariff Ali Zainal Abedin.

Then, SHARIFF RAJA BAGINDA, SHARIFF ALIMUDDIN, SHARIFF HASSAN, and SHARIFF ALI ZAINAL ABEDIN asked permission to their father Shariff Akmad and mother Putri Tammat, that they will go to the East. Shariff Akmad advised them to relay his Message of Thanks to the people of the east in the name of Islam, thru the usages of five (5) Pillars and six (6) Beliefs in Islam, and after his advises with message, a miracle had attained by the four (4) Shariff brothers who had reached the east in a moment. When they are on the
shore of Sumatra, the Shariff brothers had decided to go far away from the shore where they can use their means of travel-by-win thru their individual “vintas”. While on travel and reach the sea near of Ceylon, a very strong win approached them, that make them or their “vintas” separate from each other.

The “vinta” of SHARIFF RAJA BAGINDA had landed in Basilan. Not so long, Shariff Raja Baginda marries the Bai sa Basilan (Queen of Basilan). With this marriage, they raised two (2) children namely: Shariff Bidayon and Shariff Timbang, they live in Rampetan (now Lamitan) and they are the descendants of the Shariff’s in Basilan.

The “vinta” of SHARIFF HASSAN had landed in Bulunay (
Brunei), then he married to the Bai sa Bulunay (Queen of Brunei) and their children are Shariff Makdum and Raja Sumakwel. These two (2) brothers are the descendants of Shariff’s and Datu’s of Balunay.

Likewise, the “vinta” of SHARIFF ALIMUDDIN landed in Sulu and he married to the Bai sa Sulug (Queen of Sulu). Their children are Marhum Salahuddin and Maraja Upak, they are the descendants of the Shariff’s in Sulu.

Then, SHARIFF ALI JAINAL ABEDIN (son of Shariff Mohammad Saripoden) is married to Putri Jusul Asikien (daughter of Sandori Sallam of Jeddah and Sultan Iskandar Zulkarnain, the Sultan of Malacca), landed in Johore. Their children are Shariff Bonggo, Shariff Alawi, Shariff Mangendra, Shariff Kabunsuan  Shariff Alihuden, Shariff Alnao, Shariff Magindar and their last child had disappeared due to the Will of Allah upon her birth. With that miracle, Sultan Zulkarnain of Johore gave a Gold Ring to the disappeared child, but handed to the “Waliyan” (Midwife) who served the birth of said baby-girl. The Gold Ring is decorated at the center with a seven carats diamond and full of beauty with no comparison at all.

Next to that, is another travel of SHARIFF RAJA BAGINDA, People of main land Mindanao name him Shariff MARADIA, where he reached Selangan (now Kalanganan), not far away is a mountain at Selangan, called Tantawan. When the “vinta” landed at the shore, they chose to stay beside the bamboo tree found at the shoreline in western part of the mountain in Selangan (Kalanganan). At this time, Shariff Raja Baginda saw a Big-bird (identified as Bulah, a white bird almost a Parrot-alike) flying from west to east, and no other destination except the bamboo tree near them. When the Big-bird landed in that bamboo tree, Shariff Raja Baginda faced toward the bamboo tree and happen to focus his site to the Big-bird, he saw a girl carried by that Big-bird, then on that moment, he shouted very-very loud that made the Big-bird fly instantly due to shock. From there, the Big-bird leave the girl and she fall on the sea, then Shariff Raja Baginda jumped and dived to the sea in order to save the girl. When he got the girl, he bring it to the shore. When Shariff Raja Baginda ask questions to the girl, she answered that her father is Shariff Awliya of Madina and her name is Putri Paramisuli. When Shariff Raja Baginda heared the information, he said that by miracle, this is the first person landed in the area (now called Maguindanao).

Then, Shariff Raja Baginda, a Kuraysh tribe is married to Putri Paramisuli. With that marriage, they have children namely: Rajah Tabunaway and the girl is Sarabanon. The children of Sariff Raja Baginda from a woman came from the Cave is Mamalo, Abogantao, and a girl whose name is Pindao. Another children of Shariff Raja Baginda with the Bai na Maguindanao (Queen of Maguindanao) are Sambegan and Gampong, who stay at “Talakuku” (now Kabuntalan). Then, the children of Mamalo with a woman from Selangan (now Kalanganan) are Alamansa and Anop. And that they are now the descendants of Shariff Raja Baginda in Maguindanao.

Mindanao was ruled by the two (2) powerful Datu’s, known as the Datu of the Upper Valley (sa Raya) and Datu of the Lower Valley (sa ilud). Their political boundary was defined naturally by the Pulangi River (Rio Grande de Mindanao). It was then divided by the effect of the high tide, wherein, Salty water went in, against the current of the Pulangi River, was the sovereign power of the Datu of Lower Valley while the fresh water started from that of the salty water was the sovereignty of the Datu of Upper Valley.

According to a Local Genealogy (Tarsila), he got Putri Tumanina or Putri Tonina in a young bamboo tree. The story is, when Tabunaway and Mamalo decided to make fish-cage that will be put-up in “Bucana” the mouth of Pulangi River (Spanish called Rio Grande de Mindanao) Tabunaway told Mamalo to get more bamboo’s for them to use as fish-cage. After complying the order of his brother, Mamalo presented the bamboo’s, then Tabunaway asked if he got the whole bamboo tree, Mamalo answered “yes” except the one young bamboo. With that, Tabunaway told to Mamalo to return and get the remaining bamboo because it is the tradition that whenever you need more catched-fish you have take the whole bamboo tree. Then Mamalo immediately complied the order of his elder brother. When he (Mamalo) was in the bamboo tree, immediately he cut the remaining bamboo, after cutting and the tree fall down, he noticed a baby-girl beside the bamboo. He bring home the baby-girl and presented to his brother Tabunaway. Tabunaway advised Mamalo to adopt the baby-girl for them to have a female child. The Mamalo take the baby-girl and named her as Putri Tumanina (Putri Tonina).

In 1475, (Dr. Najeeb Saleeby, quoted by Justice Jainal D. Rasul in his book, Struggle of Identity) there was a Muslim Missionary came in the lower valley who planted the Modern Sultanate Governance and Islam religion. He was SHARIFF MOHAMMAD KABUNSUAN, the youngest son of Shariff Ali Zainal Abeddin and Putri Jusul Asikien, daughter of the Sultan Iskandar Zulkarnain, Sultan of Malacca. But Shariff Kabunsuan could not immediately establish the Maguindanao Sultanate until about the year 1500’s where the form of government was somewhat based on a feudal system with some semblance of a sultanate. He married (first) Putri Sarabanun, the sister of Datu Tambunaway and Datu Mamalo but died early with no heirs. Then he married Putri Tumanina (Putri Tonina), the adopted daughter of Mamalo. With the marriage of Shariff Kabunsuan with Putri Tumanina, they produced three female children whose name are Putri Ma’mor, Putri Milagandi, and Bai Batola. One day Putri Tumanina went to her room and wear a Gold Ring decorated at the center with a seven carats diamond and full of beauty with no comparison at all. When her husband, Shariff Kabunsuan, saw the gold ring at the finger of Putri Tumanina, he asked his wife, where she got the gold ring, was it purchased or inherited, Putri Tumanina didn’t answer but felt sad and tears was fallen on her eyes. With the reaction of his wife, Shariff Kabunsuan also felt sad and said: We used to be separated as husband and wife because Allah said that if a brother and sister are accidentally married from each other, they have to be separated immediately upon notice that they are brother and sister. Putri Tumanina responsed Shariff Kabunsuan by saying that: Whatever is the revelation from Allah, as mentioned in the Qur’an must be followed because we have married only thru Rajah Batua and my father Mamalo. Shariff Kabunsuan answered that they should be separated because she is the daughter of his mother Putri Giosol Asikein of Johore, who had been disappeared after she was born and now came alive thru Mamalo.

After the decision of SHARIFF KABUNSUAN and his wife, he leaved going home to Johore passing or via Lanao area. When he arrived at Malabang, a place in Lanao area, he met the Imam, who is the grandson of Rajah Simban at Malabang. Rajah Simban asked him, where he go, Shariff Kabunsuan answered that he will be going home to Johore and relayed story about his marriage with Putri Tumanina. While in Malabang, Shariff Kabunsuan happened to see Angintabo, the daughter of said Apen, Datu of Imragaten, and he marry Angintabu and bigoted the first Shariff of Maguindanao, Shariff Maka-Alang (Saripada), the royal lineage of Maguindanao and the second ruler of Maguindanao. Angintabo Died and Kabunsoan married Paramata Mazhawang the niece of Angintabo and got 11 children's a one of them were Aloyodan and Paramata Layagun, intermarriages with the Daughter and son of Shariff Alawiya and Shariff Alihuden, now their lineage is the Present Sultanate of Lanao

The two Royal Sultanate lineage of Maguindanao and Buayan through intermarriage was the beginning and birth of the 3rd Royal Sultanate in Mindanao, the Sultanate of Kabuntalan in 17th century. And finally, these three equal known sovereign power and legitimate Sultanate in main-land
Mindanao namely; the Sultanate of Buayan, the Sultanate of Maguindanao, and the Sultanate of Kabuntalan who happened to have sovereignty in the middle part of these two powerful sultanates.

The Rulers of Buayaan Sultanate

1) 1st Ruler Datu Mamu

Local genealogy (Tarsila) said, before the two local powerful rulers stated above, there was a great ruler of the island lived in the upper valley named DATU MAMU (son of Andal-a-Kilat with the Bai sa Sugod-a-Buayan), married to a Bai sa Matutum (Bai na “Bidadali” [“Bidadali” is a woman/lady who is an Angel-alike]), the children is Dalimbang Giomla Alam (Rajah Buayan a Budtol). His powerful existence of ruling the entire Buayan was estimated in the middle part of 13th century. He was the first recorded datu/ruler of Buayan.

2) 2nd Ruler Datu Budtul

He was then followed by his son DATU BUDTUL, the second recorded datu/ruler of Buayan in the later part of the 13th century up to the early part of the 14th century. Datu Budtul is married to Bai Ampayok (daughter of the Datu sa Palao of Maguindanao). With these marriage, they raised children namely: Malang-sa-Inged, the Sultan Dalimbang sa Langeban, Amilil sa Pawas, and Omarmaya Poluwa. Another children of Budtol with the other woman is the Sultan sa Labu. Other children of Budtol with another woman are Datu sa Palaw, the first Datu of Matenggawanen, and the Sultan of Malasila who married with the Bai sa Matutum. Then, another children of Budtol with the Bai na Isulan are Dalimbang-a-Manebped, Sultan Padas, Omarmaya Midtimbang, and Rajah Batua. When Rajah Buayan a Budtol married to another forty (40) women, one of them have five (5) children, another have four (4) children, another have three (3) children, another have two (2) children, and some have no child at all. During the time of Rajah Buayan a Budtol, Shariff Kabunsuan did not yet arrived at the
shore of Maguindanao. On this time, only Shariff Raja Baginda had arrived in Maguindanao from Basilan, where he first landed. Datu Budtol is the father of the two ruling brothers namely: Malang-sa-Inged and Datu Poluwa.

3) 3rd Ruler Malang sa Ingud,

MALANG-SA-INGED, the 3rd ruler of Buayan, reigned on the 14th to 15th century. Rajah Buayan Malang-sa-Inged is the eldest son of Datu Budtol. He married Putri Ma’mor [daughter of Shariff Kabunsuan], their children are Putri Bulan and Putri Nuron. When Putri Ma’mor is a months old pregnant, together with her husband Malang-sa-Inged, in a day, they are very happy and had a joke by each other that made Putri Ma’mor use her knife and accidentally stabbed Malang-sa-Inged on his side below arm or armpit.

4) 4th Ruler Datu Polua,

DATU POLUWA, the 4th ruler of Buayan, is first married to Bendong, a Tagimanun lady. With his brother Malang-sa-Inged, they are the known ruling datus of Buayan and then, the lineage chronology of the Sultanate of Buayan. When Datu Poluwa heard that his brother was died, he go downriver in Magindanaw to prove and will know the real case. When the case was already in order and days had passed-by, Datu Poluwa marry PUTRI MA’MOR. After marrying Putri Ma’mor and while at Magindanaw he was given a title of Omarmaya. With the foregoing story, it is very clear that Putri Ma’mor is fregnant when she was married by Datu Poluwa. Not so long, Putri Ma’mor give birth to a baby-boy and they named it as Rajah Silongan and not so long, also, Datu Poluwa or Omarmaya Poluwa leaved his wife Putri Ma’mor at Magindanaw and goes to Buayan, that made Putri Ma’mor suffer sickness resulting to her death. After the death of Putri Ma’mor, the first wife of Datu Poluwa whose name is Bai Bundong, a woman at Tagimanun, take care of Rajah Silongan. When Datu Poluwa was already in Buayan, he leaved his title as Omarmaya, instead he assumed as RAJAH BUAYAN POLUWA. The child of Rajah Buayan Poluwa with Bai Bundong is Datu Dikaya, who happened to marry in Kabuntalan. Datu Dikaya is the brother of Rajah Silongan, by father.

5) 5th Ruler Rajah Silongan

As mentioned, Putri Ma’mor married for second time by Datu Pulowa (younger brother of Malang-sa-Inged), it is where a baby boy named Rajah Silongan was borned. RAJAH SILONGAN is the first Rajah Buayan of Buayan and he is the 5th ruler of Buayan. He was known as the Supreme Ruler of Buayan and mainland
Mindanao in 1576 to 1599. Rajah Silongan is the father of Sultan Monkay (Datu Maputi), Datu Tambingag, Tangkuwag, Bai K’daw [married to Makadulo, the brother of Rajah Simban], Binitik, Libo, and Malibemben. Local Tarsila confirmed that Rajah Silongan is the son of Malang-sa-Inged.

Also and same with other local genealogy or “Tarsila” stated that Malang-sa-Inged is the father of Rajah Silongan, although he was borned when Datu Poluwa is the husband of Putri Ma’mor. Likewise, when Putri Ma’mor died with no issue (no child) with husband Datu Poluwa, again, DATU POLUWA (first husband of Putri Milagandi) married Putri Milagandi with the same faith (no child) until his death. During this time, the widow, Putri Milagandi was re-married to DATU K’BO (second husband) and have three children, named: Safie, Angkay and Kuyong. And after the death of Datu K’bo due to sickness.

Again, the widow Putri Milagandi was re-married again by Rajah Buayan-a-GANGGA (third husband of Putri Milagandi), the first Datu of Ibalaten and son of Rajah Buayan-a-Baratamay, where they have a menopause baby, named Penduma (the Mofat Hidaya sa-Balt). PENDUMA, is married to Limbo, sister of Dungklang [son of Tantong sa Kabalukan], the children of Penduma are TANTAW (Mofat Sabar sa-Balt), BAI KUDAM (Bai sa Libutan), and LINSAM (Datu sa Andavit).

TANTAW (Mofat Sabar sa-Balt and Datu sa Linantangan), his children with the first wife are Papanok (Mofat Batua), Tiwan-tiwan, and Bai Mandi [wife of Sultan Manman]. His children with other woman are Gemba, K’na, Taup, Lano, Saliba, Nayong, Dulian, Bai Limbay, and Kaya.

DATU LINSAM (the first Datu sa Andavit), his children are Datu Bandalat sa-Andavit, Budso, Datu Lukes Ampa, Simna, Igi-Kabigit, Ngeban, Makakua, Datuwata Dimalen, Kema, Bai Tayok [married to Shariff Tibongog], Payok, Kilag, and Mobpon.

BAI KUDAM is married to Shariff Guindaw, Datu of Balabagan. Their children is Salipada Musa or Shariff Musa.

SHARIFF MUSA is married first to Dapalas, daughter of Takulanga [Datu of Buayanun] and Pangyan, [a lady of Ibalaten]. The second wife of SHARIFF MUSA is Sayanu [grand-daughter of Sapi] and their child is Pagayao or Shariff Kayaw.

SHARIFF KAYAW is married to Bai G’mba [daughter of Datuwata Yusop]. One of their children is Gandawali.

GANDAWALI is the first Amir-Ul-Mu’minin in mainland
Mindanao but not become so pupolar. He married Bai Guiamila [daughter of Sultan Ugay]. One of their children is Datu Mengko.

DATU MENGKO is the successor of his father as the second Amir-Ul-Mu’minin. His children are Amiril a-Buisan, Amiril a-Ansid, Datukali Mangati, Aisa, Kabayan, and Hadji Lampak.

AMIRIL A-BUISAN is the third Amir-Ul-Mu’minin and known to others as “Matua na Amiril” (old Amiril). He is the very well-known Amir-Ul-Mu’minin in mainland
Mindanao. During His time, He has no work except Praying five (5) times a day and working the other Pillars of Islam, he never work for the consumption of his family, yet, they never miss foods and others in time of needs because majority of the people in the area gave “Zakat” (Almsgiving) to Him. Most people chose Him to be the recipient of Almsgiving because of His quality of being an Islam. Including His immediate family, they never do things against Islamic teachings. He has four (4) wives with twelve (12) children, namely: Talama, Ali, Sinalibo, Salilang, M’lang, Hadji Tahir, Sulaiman, Palampuan, Ayob, Nandong, Blah, and Husain. Almost all of His children have married with the Royal Families, one of this is ALI or Bapa ni Simpan who is married to Bai Tima, daughter of Sultan Utto Anwaruddin with the Bai of Iranun. Sinalibo is married by the grandson of Sultan Utto Anwaruddin. M’lang is married to Bai Kukang, daughter of Sultan Aman Barhaman, the Sultan of Bakat. And Solaiman who married the grand-daughter of Sultan Utto Anwaruddin. AMIRIL A-BUISAN died inside the Masjid Ul-Haram at Makkah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

After Amiril a-Buisan died at Makkah, His brother AMIRIL a-ANSID of Linantangan assumed as the fouth Amir-Ul-Mu’minin. His children are Abdullah, Dayngala, Kasan, Mauya, Hadji Kusain, Kulsia, Hadji Esmail, Musalik, Hadji Abdulsatar, Aisa,
Salem, and Kaliwanag [Amina].

The marriages of the famous Buayan rulers to the children of Shariff Kabunsuan, was the beginning of the Sultanate of Buayan. The youngest putri (Putri Bai Batola) was believed to be brought by his father Shariff Kabunsuan with her mother to Johore.

In other Tarsila, it was stated that PUTRI BAI BATOLA, the youngest daughter of Shariff Kabunsuan and Putri Tumanina (Putri Tonina) is married to Sambegan, son of Rajah Tabunaway with the Bai na Iranun. Their children are Dagansi, Deman, and Dakiran.

6) 6th Ruler Sultan Monkay,

HRH SULTAN MONKAY, also known as Datu Maputi, a son of Rajah Silongan and is the first recorded Sultan of Buayan in 16th century. He is the 6th ruler of Buayan. His daughter Gawang was married by Datu Tapudi, the Datu of Tawlan and declared Sultan sa Bagu-a-inged.

7) 7th Ruler Sultan Tambingan,


The 7th recorded ruler of Buayan is HRH SULTAN TAMBINGAG he is known as Datu sa Barincol and also a son of Rajah Silongan. He is the second recorded Sultan of Buayan in 16th century. Tambingag is the father of Barahaman and Bai Sinal [wife of Sultan Kaharuddin Kuda].

8) 8th Ruler Datu Tapodi,

Also on the local genealogy (Tarsila) DATU TAPUDI (Datu of Tawlan) is the 8th ruler of Buayan. He ruled on the later part of 16th century. He married Gawang, the daughter of Sultan Monkay or Datu Maputi.

9) 9th Ruler Rajah Baratamai,


One of the daughter of Rajah Silongan in the name of Bai K’daw is married by Datu Makadulo who happened to have the birth of RAJAH BUAYAN BARATAMAY, the 9th ruler of Buayan. He is also the second Rajah Buayan sa Buayan. Together with Sultan Kudarat of Maguindanao Sultanate, they went to Sulu and he married with the daughter of Rajah Bunso of Sulu. Later on, went back to Buayan particularly at Bagu-a-inged to continue his sovereign power. Baratamay is married to the Bai na Bagu-a-ingeden and have children named: Datu Gangga (Datu-sa-Balt and married to Putri Milagandi, daughter of Shariff Kabungsuan), and Bai Munawal (Bai-sa-Agakan) married to Sultan Dipatuan Anwar, the Mufat Batua, children is Rajah Buayan a-Ma-anuk.

10) 10th Ruler Datu Sabaraba/Balaba/Kayab


The 10th ruler of Buayan is SABARABA/Balaba/Kayab, otherwise known as Dalumabi sa Buayan. He is the son of Datu Tapudi (Datu na Tawlan) and Gawang, daughter of Sultan Monkay.
11) 11th Ruler Rajah Buayaan a Kaban or Malang sa Ingud,


Records shows that RAJAH BUAYAN A KABAN or MALANG-SA-INGED II is the 11th ruler of Buayan. He is the son of Sabaraba-Dalumabi sa Buayan and Bai Poyo (grand daughter of K’bo and Putri Melagandi). Kaban or Malang-sa-Inged II is the brother of Mening (Datu sa Buayan).

12) 12th Ruler Rajah Buayan Maamuk or Rajah Buayaan sa Bago a Ingud,


When Dipatuan Anwar (Mofat Batuwa), the 11th Sultan of Maguindanao married Bai Monawal (Bai sa Agakan and daughter of Rajah Buayan Balatamay), they give birth to RAJAH BUAYAN MA-ANUK (Rajah Buayan sa Bagu-a-Inged), the 12th ruler of Buayan. He married to Mayay, daughter of Rajamuda Bulagas, and had children named: Sultan Manman sa Bagu-a-inged and Rajamuda Tapudi sa Matenggawanen.


13) 13th Ruler Sultan Sacandar


HRH SULTAN SACANDAR is the 13th ruler of Buayan. He is also known as Jumla Alam Dalimbang sa Buayan and at the time, Sultan sa Lacungan. He is the son of Kaban or Malang-sa-Inged II and Bagemba, Bai na Tawlanen. Sultan Sacandar is married to Bai Sinal, Bai-a-Labi sa-Lacongan and daughter of Guindulongan and Mofat Sidiek (Datu na Tawlanan).

14) 14th Ruler Sultan Moh. Alimoden Paki Maulana or Sultan Wata.

The 14th recorded ruler of Buayan is HRH SULTAN MOHAMMAD ALIMUDIN PAKI MAULANA, otherwise known as Sultan Wata. He is the son of HRH Sultan Sacandar and Bai Sinal (Bai-a-labi sa-Lacongan). And he is also the father of HRH Sultan Maitum.

15) 15th Ruler Sultan Maitum,


In the early part of 18th century, the son of HRH Sultan Mohammad Alimudin Paki Maulana occupied his throne as a ruler of Buayan. He is HRH SULTAN MAITUM or Sultan Maguindanao, the 15th ruler of Buayan. Local genealogy (Tarsila) says that during his term, HRH Sultan Maitum is the King of three sovereign places (Datu na T’lo-ka-inged). He married to Bai Mayong (Bai sa Bagu-a-inged) with the children, namely: Saripa Pidog (Bai-a-Labi sa Kabuntalan); HRH Sultan Bangon (HRH Sultan Mohammad Iskandar Bangon sa Buayan); Bagutaw (Bai-a-Labi sa Maguindanao); Guindulongan (Bai-a-Labi sa Linantangan); and Rajah Bayaw (Sultan sa Kudarangan sa-Buayan).

16) 16th Ruler Sultan Bangon,


To succeed his father, the eldest son, HRH SULTAN BANGON ruled as the 16th ruler of Buayan. He is also known as Marajanun Bangon and reigned as Sultan sa Didagen (Now Sultan sa Barongis). HRH Sultan Bangon is married to Bai Nano / Tuanbai (Bai-a-Wata sa Maguindanao) and had a child known as Rajah Anwaruddin or Sultan “Utto” Anwaruddin, (also known as Datu “Utto” or Datu sa Zapakan) Thomas M. McKenna – 1952. The Sultan (Bangon) had married also a Buayan lady and happened to the birth of Rajamuda Dalgan, Gugo-a-Daranda, Datu Udas, Kentayog, Sangeban and Nano.

17) 17th Ruler Rajah Bayaw,


After HRH Sultan Bangon, his youngest brother RAJAH BAYAW succeeded him as the 17th ruler of Buayan. He is also known as Sultan Bayaw (Sultan sa Kudarangan sa Buayan). His children are Datu Guiambangan, Sultan Tambilawan, Rajah Muda Ali, Manalinding, Bai Popoyu, Bai Kayumang, Bai Malapinggan, Malagonoy, Bai Amina and Bai Tondi/Gandingan.

Rajah Tambilawan is recorded as Sultan of Buayan but in reality he is the Sultan sa Kudarangan sa Buayan, the real Sultan of this time is HRH Sultan “Utto” Anwaruddin. Kudarangan is the sultanate within the Sultanate of Buayan Darusslam. Installing Tambilawan (first cousin of Datu “Utto” and a husband of Bai Limbang [daughter of Datu “Utto”]) as the alleged Sultan of Buayan is the strategy of Datu “Utto” to hide his identity from the Spaniards as the real Sultan, in order to avoid the enemies from penetrating him. HRH Sultan “Utto” Anwaruddin is the incomparable ruler who happened to the rise of Buayan, popularly known as Datu “Utto” or Datu sa Zapakan, (married to Rajah Putri [daughter of Qudratullah Untung, the 18th Sultan of Maguindanao]), In the mid-nineteenth century, Datu “Utto” or HRH Sultan “Utto” Anwaruddin, the effective Sultan of Buayan and the most powerful man in the Cotabato Valley for much of his rule, was reported to have four to five thousand slaves (Gayangos cited in Ileto 1971) quoted by Thomas M. McKenna – 1952 . HRH Sultan “Utto” Anwaruddin is the Sultan/Head of all Sultan’s, Datu’s, Shariff’s, trained Pandita’s, and Hadji’s by Nobility and Authority in the Sultanate of Buayan and mainland
Mindanao (Nieto-1894). Moreover, Datu “Utto” or HRH Sultan “Utto” Anwaruddin had close ties with several Muslim principalities such as Ilanuns in the northeast and to Sulu’ (Tausugs) further beyond. Each of the areas in and out of Maguindanao where Datu Utto’s influence was felt, had an important part to play in the waxing and wanning of his power (Ileto-1971). One quality of Datu “Utto” or HRH Sultan “Utto” Anwaruddin which explains his rise in prestige and power was his personal valor coupled with a certain amount of physical prowess. Montero-1894 acknowledged that Datu Utto’s character traits made him truly superior to all the Moros of the river. Pastells-1888 said that Datu “Utto” or HRH Sultan “Utto” Anwaruddin had a certain air of glory about him which made him a “Feared Idol”.

The attractiveness of Datu “Utto” or HRH Sultan “Utto” Anwaruddin to others must have been due to his personal qualities, his possession of power recognized by other people. Francia and Parrado (1898) said that, Datu “Utto” or HRH Sultan “Utto” Anwaruddin represented “resistance”. He stood at the head of a group of Datu’s hostile to Spain, who battled against the advancing Spanish-Filipino forces in Talayan, Pagalungan, Buayan, Bakat, and Kudarangan. In fact, it was the defense of Pagalungan in 1861 that Datu “Utto” or HRH Sultan Utto Anwaruddin lost his right eye, thus gaining the nickname “One Eye Man”. Historians described Datu “Utto” or HRH Sultan “Utto” Anwaruddin as “A King with many Tyrannical Rivals”. He reigned in 1862 to 1898.

18) 18th Ruler Sultan Utto Anowar Od-din


The local genealogy (Tarsila) of Maguindanao Sultanate indicates that from year 1888 to 1896, their sultanate was vacant due to the fact that Datu “Utto” or HRH Sultan “Utto” Anwaruddin wanted his brother-in-law (Datu Mamaku) to become the Sultan of Maguindanao, a clear indication that Datu Utto or HRH Sultan “Utto” Anwaruddin is being respected even outside Buayan Sultanate. HRH Sultan “Utto” Anwaruddin is the 18th ruler of Buayan and also a ruler of other areas beyond Buayan. HRH Sultan “Utto” Anwaruddin, the last independent Sultan of Buayan, with an irresistible incentive. He and his datus ignored the centuries (Thomas M. McKenna – 1952). The followings were the children of HRH Sultan “Utto” Anwaruddin, to wit:

The origina listings are:-

1.                    Limbang

2.                    Mapia-a-Babi

3.                    Diloyuden

4.                    Bayang

5.                    Alongan

6.                    Datu-sa-Buayan

7.                    Guiomla

8.                    Mamanta

9.                    Simpal

10.                 Alay

11.                 Mama-sa-Buayan

12.                 Malmalangkay

13.                 Salakeb

14.                 Usman

15.                 Mangindalatt

16.                 Camsa

17.                 Dang

18.                 Ayao

19.                 Kokuyan

20.                 Balapit

21.                 Tindos

22.                 Kamunggui

23.                 Naditalan

24.                 Mailangka

25.                 Sitti

26.                 Maunanek

27.                 Tima

28.                 Pinagawang

29.                 Zunaika

30.                 Kalimendeng

31.                 Guiamalon

The source of the foregoing list is Tarsila/Silsilah. Ustadz Faisal Utto listed 46 and Datu Maiaga P. Mantawil enumerated 66 names. Kapal is mentioned as the daughter.

Ustadz Faisal Utto’s list did not include
Alay and Alongan and added 17 more names.

Datu Maniga P. Mantawil’s list carried all names here, except “Pinagawang” who is written as “Pinagayao”. This list omitted 4 of the 17 added in Ustadz Faisal Utto’s list and added 23 more names

19) 19th Ruler Datu Midtalicop,

DATU MIDTALICOP is the 19th ruler of Buayan. He is the son of Sansaluna [son of Tambilawan] with Dayang-Samporna [daughter of Rajamuda Ali]. Tambilawan and Rajamuda Ali are the sons of Sultan Bayaw. The children of Datu Midtalicop are Sansaluna, Pamolindao, Sinalipawan, Toguio, Amil, Maliga, Kasna, Milyada, Intol, Odsac, Bambai, Watabai, Kabaisa, and Tayag. Datu Midtalicop is a distant relative of HRH Sultan Kudanding Camsa.


20) 20th Ruler Sultan Kudanding Camsa,

HRH SULTAN KUDANDING CAMSA (Sultan Kudanding Camsa bin Sultan “Utto” Anwaruddin) is the grandson of HRH Sultan “Utto” Anwaruddin. He is the 20th Sultan of Buayan and concurrently enthroned as Sultan of Labu and Sultan of Allah Valley during his term. He ruled Buayan on 1940s until his death in
January 4, 1986 at Zapakan, Sultan sa Barongis, Maguindanao, the former seat of the throne of his grandfather, Datu Utto.

HRH Sultan Kudanding showed exemplary leadership to his people, and even the government of the Philippine Republic had gave him due recognition. In 1940s, he was appointed by the President of the Republic of the Philippines as the first Mayor of Koronadal, then Mayor of Sebu (1945), and Mayor of Nurralah (1953). He was appointed also as Deputy Governor-at-large in Cotabato Empire in 1958 and finally the first appointed Mayor of his hometown in Sultan sa Barongis in 1975. This means that when he was a Sultan of Buayan he is serving (at the same time) as the Head of a Local Government Unit in the above-stated municipalities which were also under the sovereignty of Buayan Sultanate.

As a Sultan, Datu, and a politician, HRH Sultan Kudanding never forget that his life is for his people, as he gave all his monetary compensation to schools, markets, roads and to the needy people within the Empire Province of Cotabato.

21) 21st Ruler Sultan Akmad U. Camsa,


HRH SULTAN AKMAD U. CAMSA also known as Sultan Akmad bin Sultan Kudanding Camsa ibni Sultan “Utto” Anwaruddin. Being the successor of his father (HRH Sultan Kudanding Camsa) he was enthroned as Sultan of Buayan on October 1, 1990 and recognized as Prime Sultan of the Sultanate of Buayan since February 26, 2006 up to the time of his death on August 30, 2007 . A year after his Enthronement, he was appointed by His Excellency Fidel V. Ramos, President of the Philippines as a member of the Council of Elders and Advisers, representing Buayan Sultanate. From the time of his proclamation up to his death, he have performed his functions as the Sultan of Buayan. In fact, on February 26, 2006, he had enthroned his Royal Cabinet to empower and effect his authority as Prime Sultan of the Sultanate of Buayan. This enthronement was personally witnesses by the two (2) Sultan’s (themselves and some Royal Cabinets), of the two Royal Houses of Sultanate in Mindanao: the Sultanate of Maguindanao and the Sultanate of Kabuntalan, and to proved their presence and recognition to the affairs, both Sultan’s had affixed their signatures on every certificate issued to the enthroned Royalties. And later enthroned a numbers of sub-Sultan’s and Datus in different places covered by the Sultanate of Buayan.

In least than six (6) months of full service to the constituents of Buayan Sultanate, and because of the service-experience of the Royal House in its widest area of responsibilities coupled with the rapid increase of its population that make Them un-easy to effect the full service needed by Their people, the Prime Sultan thru its Royal Cabinet had created four (4) Deputy Prime Sultan’s to task the functions given by the Prime Sultan in the four corners of Buayan. This deputies were chosen from the Cabinet Members who has the accessibility and means to perform such functions, in addition to their present position in the sultanate. Among them were the followings, to wit:




 1.    Deputy Prime Sultan of Buayan for the East:- HADJI DATU RAKMAN T-UTTO-ALI
 2.    Deputy Prime Sultan of Buayan for the West: - HADJI DATU MOHAMMAD SUCCOR MAULANA SHARIFF
 3.    Deputy Prime Sultan of Buayan for the North:- HADJI DATU ABDILA MALAGUIAL
 4.    Deputy Prime Sultan of Buayan for the South:- HRH SULTAN SARIFA-DATU "CLIFF" AMPATUAN

He was married to Madam Catherine B. Kapunan-Camsa (also known as Bai Catherine @ Khadijah K. Camsa) of Isulan, Sultan Kudarat Province and blessed with five (5) children: Bai Andrie Sirikit, Datu Alvin, Bai Hazel Marifa, Datu Jun, and Bai Celeste Mae.

HRH Sultan Akmad is continuously guiding the descendants of the royal families in different places within Buayan Sultanate in order to organized themselves according to their Royalties or Title/Position within their clan, subject to the rules and regulations of Buayan Sultanate. One of the objective of the Prime Sultan is to achieve a close ties among themselves resulting to a better Peace and Order within the community and the country as a whole.

In this regard, the Prime Sultan of Buayan, His Royal Highness, the late Sultan Akmad bin Sultan Kudanding Camsa ibni Sultan “Utto” Anwaruddin and His Royal Cabinet envisioned a long-range program for its people and that is, for uplifting their socio-economic conditions and for broadening socio-cultural and economic ties with their brothers and sisters in Islam worldwide. With its private property covering at least twelve (12) thousand hectares of land aside from the individual private lands of its members scattered in the different provinces within its territory, the Buayan Sultanate wishes its Muslim brothers and sisters around the world the best for the New Year, 2008, and throughout the coming years. The Buayan Sultanate desires maximum cooperation in the areas of cultural exchange, economic cooperation in the fields of business development, investments, trade and commerce and many others that promote mutual benefit for its peoples. To continue with the vision of the late Sultan Akmad, a new administrator of the property for the family of the late Sultan Akmad is now the 2 sons - Datu Alvin Camsa & Datu Jun Camsa. In taking over the position of their late father, the two (2) brothers, will now continue with all the existing plans on the development of the areas. Initially a foundation will be set up in the name of the Late Sultan Akmad – FATHUL SULTAN AKMAD UTTO CAMSA FOUNDATION INC., with the collaboration of the foreign investor, through the effort of Putri Aizian, the Bai-a-Labi for External Affairs of Buayan Sultanate.

Rajah Buayan is fully aware that oil and gas reserves within these Muslim-dominated areas are vital to the economic interest of intruders which is the most feasible route for the gas pipeline to be built soon.

Likewise, the plan of Rajah Buayan in establishing a modern community will strengthen the cultural and traditional orientation as Muslim Royal Descent and lineage of the Sultanate of Buayan. The late HRH Sultan Akmad sought the establishing of a better office of the Prime Sultan of Buayan and its Royal Cabinets. The outside view of said Royal House had been drafted and patterned from the indicated design at the Logo of Buayan Sultanate.

On the few developments made by late Sultan Akmad after the enthronement of his complete cabinet set-up were the: 1. By-Laws of the Sultanate of Buayan, in Maguindanawn version; 2. The very first book made by the Sultanate of Buayan, in English version entitled: “Chronology of Succession of the Sultanate of Buayan”, to include the different enthroned Royal families; 3. The creation of different committees with their functions; 4. The translation of Presidential Decree 1083 (Shari’ah Law) in Maguindanawn version; and 5. The reconciliation of minor family feuds. For the Buayan constituents, translation into a Maguindanawn version is very important especially to the leaders who have less education, for them to understand well the meaning of this law. The on-going projects at the time of his demise were: a.) The translation of Anti-Terrorist Law, also in Maguindanawn version; b.) The consolidation of Local Genealogy (Tarsila); c.) The creation of Madrasah (Arabic School) and
English School for the families of Rajah Buayan (both young and adult); and many others.

He also encouraged major involvement in the on-going peace talk between the Government of Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), those representatives of Buayan Sultanate, headed by the Marajalayla sa Buayan/Deputy Prime Sultan of the East, had formally delivered the communication to the Head of the MILF Peace Panel and openly discuss our objectives. A written communication was also send to the GRP Peace Panel with the same contents. Unfortunately, however, until his death, said initiatives did not been materialize.

Before his death, he stated that there is a need to instill greater consciousness and understanding among us, on the comprehensive path to peace, to strengthen and sustain participation in the promotion of the culture of peace, with respect to the fundamental rights of freedom, tolerance, understanding and solidarity.

After years of hard struggle and brilliant achievement, late HRH Sultan Akmad bin Sultan Kudanding Camsa ibni Sultan “Utto” Anwaruddin left his true legacy of wisdom that made us to declare him as the “Hero of Buayan”, a Hero whose name we would all honor, and whose ideals we can emulate.

This is just the tip of accomplishment of the Buayan Sultanate under His leadership, in the just one year and a half. These were part of the commitments to Rajah Buayan constituents. Rajah Buayan fully recognize the responsibilities to take care of its people’s future.

Beyond the symbolic significance of these accomplishments, we have brought back inter-faith solidarity, energized by the invaluable initiative of the late HRH Sultan Akmad bin Sultan Kudanding Camsa ibni Sultan “Utto” Anwaruddin.

Immediately after the death of late HRH Sultan Akmad bin Sultan Kudanding Camsa ibni Sultan “Utto” Anwaruddin, his Cabinet members had formed a Crisis Management Committee in order not to disrupt the services to the people of Buayan towards the fulfillment of the aspirations of the Sultanate of Buayan, we gladly endeavor to bear the full weight of responsibilities of the different Royal Houses and call upon brothers and sisters in Islam worldwide who have the capability of guiding or helping us or to add their own to this endeavor.

The Crisis Management Committee is headed by the Secretary-General in a person of Judge Datukaka P. Camsa, the Sultan Lipules Raja Tua IV sa Dimaegal sa Buayan, and the members are the four (4) Deputy Prime Sultan’s of Buayan namely: Hadji Datu Rakman Utto Ali, Deputy Prime Sultan of Buayan for the East; Hadji Datu Mohammad Succor, Deputy Prime Sultan of Buayan for the West; Hadji Datu Abdillah Malaguial, Deputy Prime Sultan of Buayan for the North; &, HRH Sultan Sarifa-Datu Camsa Ampatuan, Deputy Prime Sultan of Buayan for the South; and the Datu-a-Lukes sa Buayan in the person of Professor Datu Candidato Limba-Kalipa.

Among the accomplishments made by the Crisis Management Committee was the unfinished project of the late Sultan, like the: a.) The unfinished translation of Anti-Terrorist Law, also in Maguindanawn version; b.) The on-going consolidation of Local Genealogy (Tarsila); c.) The proposed creation of Madrasah (Arabic School) and
English School for the families of Rajah Buayan (both young and adult), still unfinished; d.) continuing supporting the establishment of Foreign Affairs Office in Kuala Lumpur with the coordination of the office of the Honorary Consul of Mozambique in Kuala Lumpur and establishment of other cultural representative officers in New Zealand, United Kingdom, Japan, Spain, Portugal, China, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and Mozambique, through the effort of Putri Aizian, the Bai-a-Labi for External Affairs of Buayan Sultanate; and e.) the facilitation of documents and other services to the Muslim Scholar of Mindanao sponsored by Optima Colleges in Malaysia thru the effort of Putri Aizian, and many others.

The formation of the cultural representative office in Kuala Lumpur with the efforts of Putri Aizian, had encouraged other foreign NGOs to further initiate in setting up the Sultanate Cultural Representative offices as stated in the above organizational chart, with the mission to promote the Sultanate of Buayan and the culture heritage of the Buayanon throughout the world.

I am quiet familiar with the tarsila of buayan royal house as recorded by Dr. Najeeb Saleeby, a syrian born agent of the US government in the Philippines in late 1800 up to early 1900. He claimed in his book that he has seen the original maguindanao tarsila manuscript at that time in the possession of Datu Mastura; that of the buayan sultanate is in the possession of the Sultan sa Kudarangan; and that of Kabuntalan, from Sultan Abubakar of Kabuntalan.Saleeby translated and transliterated them in his work which he officially published sometime in 1905.

The book became a very good source of succeeding authors on the subjects that was written by Saleeby.
Names that were not included before 1905, i think, in those tarsilas is forever excluded unless we can find a more authentic document to support any claim.After 1905, it was the option of the descendants to continue making research on the succeding descendants, in maguindanao, after datu mastura because the names of his children were not yet included in the tarsila that he has shown to Saleeby.


Soon to Re Updated…

By, WebMaster






KULINTANG A KAPRNDAGAN, Played by Datu Ontay during the event of Lumbatan International Association, March 1. 2019, KAP'RNDAGAN TUNE, giya e kakolintang a kaprundagan, kapangoba sabap ko sakit sa ginawa ago rata a ginawa. Maranao Kulingtang is music of Happiness, it describes the music of Iranaon soul.

-->>CPA TOP 5 2022<<--

Our purpose of doing this task is to strengthening the bangsa moro nation. To fulfill our forefather dreams of having a meaningful bangsa moro identity in our mother land, to make our fellow Muslim understand the importance of having solidarity and closeness among us, to avoid discrimination and minimize feudal clan among us, so that we are nation with a purpose

Manga bangsa mi ko pat a adel a gaus ko Ranao, ago sa pragatan a tunday a pagilidan. Aya kiataonga mi sa darpa aya na ogop ago panagontaman sa kapakamoayan o andang a di kanggiginawai o manga lokes tano, na obaon misabap a mapakarayag iyan so miakalogao a di kanggiginawai, na mapakarani nian so miakawatan a katotonganaya,

Aya kiapamagosaya mi saya ko manga gogodan na ipagogop ko thatanggisa sa kakunala nian ko madaseg iyan a miapakawatan o politika, na aya mala na makaogop sa kapakaito o rido ko orian o katokawi ko kaiisa isa o manga apoapoan tano na mikasoy so munang a inagao o manga sarowang a tao,

Giyangkai a kapamagosaya saya ko kaiisa isa o bangsa na aya hadap saya na ipagogop ko kakunala sa so manga muslim sa Pilimpinas na isa a paka poonian, banian magakot so kaiisa isa o bangsa sa kipamayandegen ko kabnar o bangsa tano, na aya mala na mapamola rektano so babaya tano ko ped tano, ka pitharo o Nabi Mohammad S.A.W. a diden maka paratiyaya so pithanggisa rekano taman sa dinian ikababaya ko pagarinian so lagid o ipukababaya iyan sa ginawa nian.

PATOT A KAMBANTAI SAYA isaini a pamagogopaan o manga datu tanu sa Marawi sa ditanto kitabolog o manga simukut sa City a Marawi


This website is owned by Datu Ontay M. Abdulmadid and his home town Marogong Lanao del sur, and dedicated to all people of Unayan, and it is now consider as Iranaon (Mranao) royal website, most articles made in this website is originally from the research and ideas of our webmasters, Saad, Alex and Datu Ontay, some articles are submitted to us by a friends. We never copied other website articles without asking permission to the site owner, and we stated the source of our articles for the legitimacy of our articles.

All materials contained in this website are the subject of copyright. Many items and articles are in use under license, therefore, on no account may copies be made of text, photographs, Graphics, or any other materials, without the express written consent of the site owner,

If you wish to copy any items from this site, please be kind enough to e-mail the site owner at the address given above. Please also note that by entering any further pages of this site, you are undertaking to abide by these conditions.Thank you for your co-operation and consideration.





The Sarimanok is a legendary bird of the Maranao people who originate from Mindanao, a major island in the Philippines. It comes from the words "sari" and "manok." "Sari" means cloth or garment, which is generally of assorted colors.  Manòk is a Philippine word for chicken.

It is the legendary bird that has become a ubiquitous symbol of Maranao art. It is depicted as a fowl with colorful wings and feathered tail, holding a fish on its beak or talons. The head is profusely decorated with scroll, leaf, and spiral motifs. It is said to be a symbol of good fortune

The Sarimanok is derived from a totem bird of the Maranao people, called Itotoro. According to the Maranao people, the Itotoro is a medium to the spirit world via its unseen twin spirit bird called Inikadowa.

The Sarimanok is also believed to have originated from an Islamic legend. According to the legend, Muhammad found a rooster in the first of the seven heavens. The bird was so large its crest touched the second heaven. Its crow roused every living creature except man. Judgement day would come once this celestial rooster ceased to crow

A Maranao legend also says of a Sultan's daughter being swept by a colorful rooster that became a handsome young man and they were never seen ever again. The Sultan then created replicas of the bird to remember his daughter by



Here Another Meranao became top-notch for the recent 2019 Bar Exam, she is the third Mranao who took 2nd placers in the history of Philippine Bar. Our Congratulations to ATTY. PRINCESS FATIMA PARAHIMAN. A Pride of Poona Masiu, particularly on the 6 pagapoon sa mimbalay, moriatao Suba and Moriatao Amai Sindaolan of Masiu are proud of you. (She is the granddaughter of Late vice Mayor and OIC mayor of Masiu Lanao Del Sur. Hon. Hadji Faisal Mauyag Parahiman. then, I received a PM that Princess's mom is Doctora Zenaida Tan, a Filipino-Chinese Muslim. FYI, 4 maranaos have been included in the top 10 of Philippine Bar exam's history. 1. Atty. Camar Boloto (Top 2, 2. Atty. Mylene I. Amerol-Macumbal (Top 2) 3. Atty. Princess Fatima Parahiman (Top 2) of the Bar 2019) 4. Atty. Soraya Laut top8

Here Another Meranao became top-notch for the recent 2019 Bar Exam, she is the third Mranao who took 2nd placers in the history of Philippine Bar. Our Congratulations to ATTY. PRINCESS FATIMA PARAHIMAN. A Pride of Poona Masiu, particularly on the 6 pagapoon sa mimbalay, moriatao Suba and Moriatao Amai Sindaolan of Masiu are proud of you. (She is the granddaughter of Late vice Mayor and OIC mayor of Masiu Lanao Del Sur. Hon. Hadji Faisal Mauyag Parahiman. then, I received a PM that Princess's mom is Doctora Zenaida Tan, a Filipino-Chinese Muslim. FYI, 4 maranaos have been included in the top 10 of Philippine Bar exam's history. 1. Atty. Camar Boloto (Top 2, 2. Atty. Mylene I. Amerol-Macumbal (Top 2) 3. Atty. Princess Fatima Parahiman (Top 2) of the Bar 2019) 4. Atty. Soraya Laut top8


Madait a kapumbantoe tano ko manga ONOR sa Ranao na ipangorao ami rukano si Potre Monalindao a bangsatano sa Ranao kaisa sukaniyan a mitiardi na mimbilingatao ko kapusumpada ko dadabitan o Iranaon na mananagontaman ko gii kisariat'n ko dikakulas o paparangayan o Mranao (We recommend Potre Monalindao for any traditional occasions in Ranao and for royal gathering)   



Iranaon’s Pride

Iranaons/Maranao are well-known for the aspects of Culture and arts, they gained more prominence in the field of martial arts when the MSU Karate Club successfully garnered three gold Medals and one silver in the 1994 first Philippine National Games – the first time Iranaon/Maranao gained these elusive awards in sports, and up to the present time the club still gaining good records.

In the name of Sport and Martial Arts, Iranaons/Maranao exceed on it and became more and more prominences when the young prince of Marawi in the good name of Datu Revie Saber Sani (son of Sultan Duma S. Sani and grandson of late Mamitua Saber, Radiamuda sa Marawi) won Champion in the international karate competitions like the 2003 8th karate games of the Adriatic in Italy, 2003 8th Czech open karate championship in Czech Republic, 2005 Asian Karate championship in Hong-Kong, China and the 23rd South East Asian Games (SEAGAMES). Datu Revie S. Sani is the first Iranaon/Maranao became member of Republic of the Philippine Team (RP-TEAM) for International Competition in the field of Karatedo, and present President of FIMAA Jeddah Saudi Arabia. The Iranaons/Maranao. would someday proven champion in the prestigious of the Olympics as my father’s longstanding dream, Datu Revie said in his Interview.

Pamakot Ka Sa Masa Emanto

A Song of a Moro Artist

The King of Moro Song Datu Komeni Bansuan lunched his new album with the new song “Pamakot Ka”. It could really encourage and inspire each individual who would listen and internalize its deep meaning. Some of its line go this way “ My friend, pamakot ka, know yourself. Pamakot ka while you are young. Know what is happening in this world and think of what you can do. Pamakot ka while still you are healthy and strong. Face your future, don't ever think you cannot make for God has given you all. Isn’t he right in saying this so?

At this point of time, in this era of globalization wherein we can’t describe the kind of life we have. Life expansion decreases due to many illnesses and diseases. It becomes unpredictable when we can’t do anything but to face life as it is. Competitiveness among nations, tribes and even religion brings deep impact to our lives. Thousand of people lost their lives because of such conflict. Survival for poverty really a prime problem of human being. Million of people died because of have nothing to eat.

Now, is Komeni right of giving us a signal to move ahead and to strive hard inorder to survive from this vulnerable world? This is not advertising Komeni but it somehow gives us the lesson to be vigilant of our life.

Connect this message to our own distinctions and undertakings as individuals. As teachers for example, pamakotinka, value your responsibility of molding and teaching the young generation because perhaps time maybe too late for you to do it and you might regret after all. Do this while you are still in the position, while you are strong and while you have all the opportunities of doing it all.

The last line of Komeni’s song says “ Now is the time to reflect on. Ponder on and move fast”. This is just a mere song of an ordinary moro artist but let us not forget great move and action start from an ordinary and simple plan.


Just recently, the global sultanates summit was successfully done. Alhamdulillah, we thanks Allah for the success of the event, everything went smoothly with global summit in Mindanao on 10th and 11th December, 2010, HRH princess Aizian Utto Camsa said in Facebook.

The said summit was attended by the prominent royal Sultans and royal families around the globe, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Philippines and other well-known countries. The theme of the summit “THE CULTURAL PARACTICES EMBODIED IN THE UNIVERSAL DECLAIRATION OF HUMAN RIGHT, TREATIES AND CONVIENTION”

The convener of the that summit was the royal sultanate of Raja Buayaan Darussalam and the united sultanates of Baguinged Tawlan Darussalam, the event was hold in royal palace hotel in General Santos city, Philippine


In the name of ARTS and LITERATURE, Meranaos exceed on these. They have the Bayok and Darangen that until now are never been break their record in the entire country. The beautiful dances like Singkil, Fan Dance and Kapamalong malong are still have big contribution in Philippine culture. Every single matter of Meranao’s life has its meaning and properly guided with Taritib and Igma.

Putri Erlynda is a symbol of undying Mranao songs, she poses and Talented in traditional folk song, support her and the other Mranao Talents

........WEEKLY SONG LYRICS........

By AKIE Band
Ipoon ko
kiapakang-ginawae ta
sukabo e sii sa pikir akun
sabap ko olaolangka a mapia
dikodun kalipatan
Di akun kagaga
Obaka rakun mada
Di akundun kaparo
Di akun Ska mailay
Ko gagawi-i dao-ndao
Ska e mapipikir
Dadun a lawanuka
Dadun a rimbangka
Na obangka kalipati
So kiapakang-garing ta
Di akundun kagaga
Obakongka ribona
Apia andaka mariribon
Pulolobaan akun ska
Apia andaka pagagao
Na magagao akoron
Repeat II & Chorus
Repeat Chorus


bY: maDSki


Miaroro miaroro
So lo’ sa manga mata ko
Sa kalipudus kalipudus
A rata a ginawako


Mipirogo mipirogo
So puso akun sabap ruka
Sa ladang ko riniwada
Ko ranon ago so gagao


What can I do what can I do
My life is nothing without you
Forgive me darling if I’m wrong
Come back it’s me where you belong

My love my love
Ranon angka
Sa ladang ko m’balingan ka
Lalayon ka sa dar akun
Ikararanon ko suka


What can I do what can I do
Sa ginawako o maribon ka
Sabarang ka o ribat ako
Mbalingan ka rakun
o garing akun


Ikararanon ko suka
Ikararanon ko suka

Nasasabik By Fred Panopio
Translated to Maranao
By Datu Ontay

(By unknown band)

Kataya so Tutholan
Ki masolampay a busao
Lomalangkap sa Ranao
Kala iyan e kakan
Maka pito makakan
Ko mababasa alongan
Aya kakana iyan
Mala ko palang-gada
Aya inoma iyan
Maito ko baldi
Madalum e kasawao
Pito ka porgada

Salakao ron aya
Minisolda akun
Tharoon ta e babunar
Mialunganian so kadato
Sulotan di kapuno
Kabugatan dasukan
Datu a lomanggowap
Sangcopan sa kathaka

Salakaoron aya
Dipuman kaolitan
Badun papagutiya
Pukun o pukunian

Reapat II & III

RaNoN AgO sO GaGao
By variety Band

Piygayonan ta
sa badun ribona
So dita kang-ginawai
Ka dabo a lalao
A di kang-gaing
ka sa dar akun

Oh…. Lilang ko
Sayana a marugun
Masakit sa ginawa
Kapukha piker akun
So ranon
Go so gagaw’ng ka rakun
Lalayondun sa piker
Go sa ginawa
Na inao lilang
Na babo kikasoy
So kiyang-garing ta

Pukha taduman ko
So manga gawii
So gawii a kasosonor
Sa imanto aya
Romunda di torogun
Na mindag di roparopun
Sabap ruka

Reapeat II 3x

TiGkA ObA DuDol
By Maher

Adun a katawang ko
A kalalagan a wata
A kilala niyan a babay
Aya niyambo thotol
A ranon gagaw niyanon
Pakisisipatiyan a thito
Niyan a ipapatay

Ipulalong iyangkon
Ramig iyan mipamono
Tomokon oba matay
Odi siran makatharosa
Inao wata kulay
Tigo manga lokes iyan
Malongka pakalanata
Ka dapun a sokatanuka

Miyondog so katawangko
Tiyomaniyan a milalong
Gagawii ndaondaw
Na mbaram-barang a sowanian
Aya miakambono
so mbala a lokes iyan
katamba amairan
so tig akun a kasowa

Gowiranon dolonun
ko wata iran a mama
na miapangaroma niyan
ipapatay niyan a raga
Miyababaya siran
Ka miyaka sigorado
Salodo ako ruka
Grabi ka a mama
Miyaka sorga ka
Ka pakatataya angka

Kay maka pito Olan
Miyada so kapag enjoy
Minisambi na ilat-ilat
O manga panoganganiyan
Anta mambo e mabaya
Sa mama tarabosaw
Daa miyasowa iyan
Na dipun matao zozokat
Somasayan sa matao
Si toropa a boklo
Na ramig mimbabawata
Na dadun makasowa zozokat
oWoOoOoOoOh !!!

Giyanan e marugun
Ko tao a mala e lalag
Tigiyan oba dodol
So mabibitin ko koda
So kapangaroma aki
Na kunaba kazandagan
K’naba anan khakan
Masmo kawn na awaingka
OwOoOoOoOoh !!!


MaLa E MaTa

Tonia problema?
Inoka ini pukharaangiti
Dingka di pamikira
E baka di sundit
Imanto a miadata

Bangka dun di khatadumi
So kiabogawangka rakun
Sii dun pun sa danga
O mga ginawaingka
A manga ala e mata
Manga ala e mata

If you only knew
Pukataduman ko
So kiya bulag angka rakun
Pira ka olan ini tigur akun
Kalipatan ko bo so ngaran ka
Bangkadun kiatadumi roo
Sa children’s park sa iligan
Dikadi magpa’cute ko
Pukabayaan ka a mala e mata
Mala pun e tiyan

Dingka dun di pamikira
E Bangka kikasoy
So manga gawii manga oras
A pud akongka
P’ki oman ka badun
Sakit ka sa ulo
Balingkadun ki pagidaan ka
A mala e mata, a mala e mata

Katawan ka a pakatatayaan ako
E love akun imanto
Di ako niyan puzasanbiin
Apya pun sidun si Khomeini
Repeat II
NeYhoOoOoOo wOoOo wOoOoH

Dikadun di sundit ka dingka bo
Kikasoy so miyanga una gawii
Diba pitharo akun ruka
Pakatatayaan ako e love akun imanto
P’wes balingkadun ka metext
Na n’dodo roo sa crossing
Dikadun punggoraok ka naba ako guwapo
Lagid e Piolo, pihing akung ulo
NeYhOooOoOo wOoOoo woOOoh

Repeat chorus 2x

Mori a Kapranon
Meranao Translation by Sen. Domocao Alonto

Rambayong modas ako, Ko inged a pilombayan
A bemberano alongan a montiya migagadong
Ko karodano sebangan a indawag ko a sanang
A saliyo a darakn a ginawa ko a rasay
Ka ompen olbi sa ropa sa antawa a daradat
Na taman ko kakawasa natarima ka kakasi
indawag a katrang a pagalad o marandang
igira sa temoan a lekepan so mawaraw
na miyada so balamban a kabutowan sa
Klong na mars-res malanat malngga masopiit
na tanandn paninindg ko ingd a pilombayan
Ka so irigi sa bansa na turoga ipanganganting
a daa ikaugyan ayakakelabakn
Na anday kabinentay o pamorawag ko langit
Apgangano liwanag a kaug o maliboteng
O bapno damargn o karanti o alongan a kariga o darako
na pasionotnka a karagiraynian
Ka anian mipmanis a diinian kaganao
Ko senang a pembokakas a maika kabengkasan
A kalibotung o kobor matawantawan roo
so miyaling ding sa baya
Dingkadn pelingiya e kiyarandanganian
O wana kanegka a sengkoa pekabanding
Na giyoto so pangni a ipamangni o tao
Sa kapakasorga aka na oponay so mera
Ko linsa o kobor akn daa rowar ko salam
Na paki aminkaon so sii ko koba ko na
Misangi ko otanon a obarobara lombay
Napakisamberen ka ko sagado napas
Ka obarakn bayogn ko sold o kobor akn
A mapagadimat akn amay ko kalipatan
So tampat o kobor akn ka apay so linsa miyan
Na miyada sa ginawa napakinaksenekandado
Ko taribasok anon makaselano
So ombiyo tolan akn a sabap a iramiram
A pamomolan a tumbak a dadna oba akn
A kipi ko rinibon ka sii ko langit
ka a raks o palaonka goso balintad
ka a dii kazolay
An o sindaw go so lalis na miyakazanaoray
So ombi o tolan akn
Pilimpinas daabay a inged a pakarimbar
A simoketa ladan ko na pamamakineganka
So mori sa pagirowin ka sii ko tangan ka na
Rokaknon ganati so langowa garingka
Mbalinga ko inged a daon so karingasa go so
Kaoripn kandatadataron so tao
Ka dapamarintaon a rowar ko dikasangkay
Na modas ako rekano ka so kalab na kadka.
Thank You Myspace Comments
Please Support the new song of JASABS06, DI PASIN OTO, this is the Meranao version of Despacito a viral Spanish song with many versions, In behalf of this website and Datu Ontay, we salute and two Thumbs ups to the JASABS06 GROUP for making quality songs. Congrats.
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