My blue blood from Angnie of Madalum to his grandson Sultan Danggao of Riray, connecting to Datumulok of Tugaya,


Riray is remote area, located at the highland with a low temperature, upper of barangay Gadongan in Madalum Lanao Del Sur, near to the peak of mount Gorayn to the boundary of Munai in Lanao Del Norte,

This area is of one of the regular barangays of Madalum LDS. Accordingly; it became minor sultanate during the time of Datu Danggao of Madalum who bed his own agama sultanate,

Datu Danggao was the founding Sultan of Riray, followed by his son and grandson Kabago and the descendants of Kabago are the reigning Datus and Baes of this area,

Am I connected to the Sultan of Riray?

Due to my strong interests in researching the genealogy of Ranao, I received 2 versions of “Gogod” a portion of Salsila, stating the moriatao Angnie of Madalum particular about Datu Guinal of Gadongan, and then I quoted the moriatao Sultan Danggao. I was surprised; the people of Riray are close relatives of my family in Binidayan LDS.

I open my Kirim to double check the gogod and here come into my mind that my longtime research about my Bangsa in Tugaya is connected to Madalum. Here my version, please read maybe we are relative too.


I start from Sandab of Johore, first married to Labiolan of Dolangan, aunt of Datu Pundoma of Butig, bore Princess Lapuan, married to his first cousin Datu Okho of Butig who was a son of Pundoma to Umpas the sister of Sandab, begot Dima-Alip of Maguindanao and Sittie Adir of Masiu. Their half-brother was Dianaton Naim of Butig.

Sittie Adir first married to Datu Onggor of Masiu begot Balindong Bsar and Danam. Sittie Adir got divorced and remarried to Talin of Madalum father of Alawi and Anigo. Adir and Talin begot Angnie also known Angnie sa Gadongan.

Angnie married to Datu Alamo son of Ongkini one of the 9 princesses of Unayan (siyao bae) known Ongkini sa Tubaran, begot 1) Paomang, 2) Angabang, 3) Amot wife of Ampaso, 4) and Datu Guinal of Gadongan.

Datu Guinal married to Andingo also known Pangiyanampay sa Riray "Princess of Riray" daughter of Alapa of Kormatan Madalum, begot Dipatuan, Maruhom, Shiek Mudag, Palawan, Damunda and Sultan Danggao.

Sultan Danggao married to Babay sa Binidayan her other name was Pki, daughter of Sahidala of Binidayan one of the sons of Mino and Moyao. Sultan Danggao and Babay sa Binidayan begot Datu Sabar.

Datu Sabar married to Igay daughter of Adaya datu sa Gorayn, begot numbers of children one of whom was Mohammad Sidic and Anta.

Here the 2 Versions of this gogodan, goes like these.

First version; Mohammad Sidic married to Apki the daughter of Shiek Kasim a Datumulok of Tugaya, Begot Bobong, Apipah, Apag, Gandi, Tarokon and Kabago in Riray. This version is 100 percent similar to the Osayan of late Imam Mauga Amerol of Marogong, also the same with the Salsila of Kabago Clan in Riray.

Second version; Anta daughter of Datu Sabar married to Shiek Kasim a Datumulok of Tugaya begot Bobong and Apipah. Shiek Kasim a Datumulok of Tugaya has numbers of children from other wives. That was the version of the moriatao Kasim a Datumulok of Tugaya.

As per my researched, the eldest son and daughter of Mohamamd Sidic (Bobong and Apipah) were updated as direct children of Datumulok instead of grandchildren to complete the 11 children of Shiek Kasim who could ascend to the throne as Datumulok of Tugaya.

These 2 versions are almost the same, as we know that during the old time the taritib agreed sometime to include children to their level in order for alternation of idal to the grar.

Who is Apipah?

She was the Princess of Tugaya married to the late sultan of Binidayan, great-grand mother of Datumulok, Dimaporo, Dangcogan, Macarimpas, Macatoon of Wato and Binidayan. Late Gov. Sultan Ali Dimpaoro and Late Sultan of Wato Rohas Ramos and Putumos amai ex-mayor Albert Sarip among her descendants

API short of “APIPAH” married to Guinarapandi Sultan of Binidayan son of Maruhom of Binidayan first sultan of Binidayan who relinquished his throne to his eldest son Guinarapandi. Apipah and Sultan Guinarapandi begot (1) Sakorab (no Heir), (2) Paramanis (grandmother of Late Sultan of Wato ex-mayor Rohas Ramos and Late Sultan of Wato Putumos Amai ex-mayor Albert Sarip), (3) Pakalangot (grandfather of Abdullah Colao Datumulok Mayor and Sultan of Binidayan, mother side), (4) Sultan Mangotara the 3rd Sultan of Binidayan.

Sultan Mangotara first married to Dampologan bae a labi of Wato, begot Dimaporo (late Sultan of Binidayan amai Gov. Moh. Ali Dimaporo), Batawi Datumulok of Tugaya father of late Mayor and Sultan of Binidayan Muliloda Dimaporo) Dangcogan late Sultan of Wato, H. Camid and Bae Mariga grandmother of Atty. Tolawidan "Danny" Dimaporo. Sultan Mangotara married also 2 more prominent baes and begot, Tangcolo, Taginupun, Takabor and Zolaika

The eldest daughter of Sultan Dangcogan her name was Pantalan Saber a Bae married to Sultan Abdulmadid Maruhom, Late Mayor of Marogong begot only Datu Pasayod H. Areef amai e Datu Ontay.

This post is not to raise my chair, to support the essence of the Hadith narrated by Abu Horayra RA

Pagariya: ino katawan ka so sekrito a iphakadakel a rizki ago iphakalayat a omor anta ka kapekhamboway o manosya?

aya miyaaloy sa Hadith: "عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم: (من أحب أن يبسط له في رزقه و ينسأ له في أثره فليصل رحمه)

أخرجه البخاري.

maana: miyakathitayan ki Abi hurayra a pitharo iyan: miya tharo o rasulollah:"Sadn sa taw a khababayaan iyan a kapakadakel o rizki ron ago makalayat so omor iyan na pakikoyap'ta, pakingginawai ko Tonganay niyan." -Datu Ontay-



KULINTANG A KAPRNDAGAN, Played by Datu Ontay during the event of Lumbatan International Association, March 1. 2019, KAP'RNDAGAN TUNE, giya e kakolintang a kaprundagan, kapangoba sabap ko sakit sa ginawa ago rata a ginawa. Maranao Kulingtang is music of Happiness, it describes the music of Iranaon soul.

-->>CPA TOP 5 2022<<--

Our purpose of doing this task is to strengthening the bangsa moro nation. To fulfill our forefather dreams of having a meaningful bangsa moro identity in our mother land, to make our fellow Muslim understand the importance of having solidarity and closeness among us, to avoid discrimination and minimize feudal clan among us, so that we are nation with a purpose

Manga bangsa mi ko pat a adel a gaus ko Ranao, ago sa pragatan a tunday a pagilidan. Aya kiataonga mi sa darpa aya na ogop ago panagontaman sa kapakamoayan o andang a di kanggiginawai o manga lokes tano, na obaon misabap a mapakarayag iyan so miakalogao a di kanggiginawai, na mapakarani nian so miakawatan a katotonganaya,

Aya kiapamagosaya mi saya ko manga gogodan na ipagogop ko thatanggisa sa kakunala nian ko madaseg iyan a miapakawatan o politika, na aya mala na makaogop sa kapakaito o rido ko orian o katokawi ko kaiisa isa o manga apoapoan tano na mikasoy so munang a inagao o manga sarowang a tao,

Giyangkai a kapamagosaya saya ko kaiisa isa o bangsa na aya hadap saya na ipagogop ko kakunala sa so manga muslim sa Pilimpinas na isa a paka poonian, banian magakot so kaiisa isa o bangsa sa kipamayandegen ko kabnar o bangsa tano, na aya mala na mapamola rektano so babaya tano ko ped tano, ka pitharo o Nabi Mohammad S.A.W. a diden maka paratiyaya so pithanggisa rekano taman sa dinian ikababaya ko pagarinian so lagid o ipukababaya iyan sa ginawa nian.

PATOT A KAMBANTAI SAYA isaini a pamagogopaan o manga datu tanu sa Marawi sa ditanto kitabolog o manga simukut sa City a Marawi


This website is owned by Datu Ontay M. Abdulmadid and his home town Marogong Lanao del sur, and dedicated to all people of Unayan, and it is now consider as Iranaon (Mranao) royal website, most articles made in this website is originally from the research and ideas of our webmasters, Saad, Alex and Datu Ontay, some articles are submitted to us by a friends. We never copied other website articles without asking permission to the site owner, and we stated the source of our articles for the legitimacy of our articles.

All materials contained in this website are the subject of copyright. Many items and articles are in use under license, therefore, on no account may copies be made of text, photographs, Graphics, or any other materials, without the express written consent of the site owner,

If you wish to copy any items from this site, please be kind enough to e-mail the site owner at the address given above. Please also note that by entering any further pages of this site, you are undertaking to abide by these conditions.Thank you for your co-operation and consideration.





The Sarimanok is a legendary bird of the Maranao people who originate from Mindanao, a major island in the Philippines. It comes from the words "sari" and "manok." "Sari" means cloth or garment, which is generally of assorted colors.  Manòk is a Philippine word for chicken.

It is the legendary bird that has become a ubiquitous symbol of Maranao art. It is depicted as a fowl with colorful wings and feathered tail, holding a fish on its beak or talons. The head is profusely decorated with scroll, leaf, and spiral motifs. It is said to be a symbol of good fortune

The Sarimanok is derived from a totem bird of the Maranao people, called Itotoro. According to the Maranao people, the Itotoro is a medium to the spirit world via its unseen twin spirit bird called Inikadowa.

The Sarimanok is also believed to have originated from an Islamic legend. According to the legend, Muhammad found a rooster in the first of the seven heavens. The bird was so large its crest touched the second heaven. Its crow roused every living creature except man. Judgement day would come once this celestial rooster ceased to crow

A Maranao legend also says of a Sultan's daughter being swept by a colorful rooster that became a handsome young man and they were never seen ever again. The Sultan then created replicas of the bird to remember his daughter by



Here Another Meranao became top-notch for the recent 2019 Bar Exam, she is the third Mranao who took 2nd placers in the history of Philippine Bar. Our Congratulations to ATTY. PRINCESS FATIMA PARAHIMAN. A Pride of Poona Masiu, particularly on the 6 pagapoon sa mimbalay, moriatao Suba and Moriatao Amai Sindaolan of Masiu are proud of you. (She is the granddaughter of Late vice Mayor and OIC mayor of Masiu Lanao Del Sur. Hon. Hadji Faisal Mauyag Parahiman. then, I received a PM that Princess's mom is Doctora Zenaida Tan, a Filipino-Chinese Muslim. FYI, 4 maranaos have been included in the top 10 of Philippine Bar exam's history. 1. Atty. Camar Boloto (Top 2, 2. Atty. Mylene I. Amerol-Macumbal (Top 2) 3. Atty. Princess Fatima Parahiman (Top 2) of the Bar 2019) 4. Atty. Soraya Laut top8

Here Another Meranao became top-notch for the recent 2019 Bar Exam, she is the third Mranao who took 2nd placers in the history of Philippine Bar. Our Congratulations to ATTY. PRINCESS FATIMA PARAHIMAN. A Pride of Poona Masiu, particularly on the 6 pagapoon sa mimbalay, moriatao Suba and Moriatao Amai Sindaolan of Masiu are proud of you. (She is the granddaughter of Late vice Mayor and OIC mayor of Masiu Lanao Del Sur. Hon. Hadji Faisal Mauyag Parahiman. then, I received a PM that Princess's mom is Doctora Zenaida Tan, a Filipino-Chinese Muslim. FYI, 4 maranaos have been included in the top 10 of Philippine Bar exam's history. 1. Atty. Camar Boloto (Top 2, 2. Atty. Mylene I. Amerol-Macumbal (Top 2) 3. Atty. Princess Fatima Parahiman (Top 2) of the Bar 2019) 4. Atty. Soraya Laut top8


Madait a kapumbantoe tano ko manga ONOR sa Ranao na ipangorao ami rukano si Potre Monalindao a bangsatano sa Ranao kaisa sukaniyan a mitiardi na mimbilingatao ko kapusumpada ko dadabitan o Iranaon na mananagontaman ko gii kisariat'n ko dikakulas o paparangayan o Mranao (We recommend Potre Monalindao for any traditional occasions in Ranao and for royal gathering)   



Iranaon’s Pride

Iranaons/Maranao are well-known for the aspects of Culture and arts, they gained more prominence in the field of martial arts when the MSU Karate Club successfully garnered three gold Medals and one silver in the 1994 first Philippine National Games – the first time Iranaon/Maranao gained these elusive awards in sports, and up to the present time the club still gaining good records.

In the name of Sport and Martial Arts, Iranaons/Maranao exceed on it and became more and more prominences when the young prince of Marawi in the good name of Datu Revie Saber Sani (son of Sultan Duma S. Sani and grandson of late Mamitua Saber, Radiamuda sa Marawi) won Champion in the international karate competitions like the 2003 8th karate games of the Adriatic in Italy, 2003 8th Czech open karate championship in Czech Republic, 2005 Asian Karate championship in Hong-Kong, China and the 23rd South East Asian Games (SEAGAMES). Datu Revie S. Sani is the first Iranaon/Maranao became member of Republic of the Philippine Team (RP-TEAM) for International Competition in the field of Karatedo, and present President of FIMAA Jeddah Saudi Arabia. The Iranaons/Maranao. would someday proven champion in the prestigious of the Olympics as my father’s longstanding dream, Datu Revie said in his Interview.

Pamakot Ka Sa Masa Emanto

A Song of a Moro Artist

The King of Moro Song Datu Komeni Bansuan lunched his new album with the new song “Pamakot Ka”. It could really encourage and inspire each individual who would listen and internalize its deep meaning. Some of its line go this way “ My friend, pamakot ka, know yourself. Pamakot ka while you are young. Know what is happening in this world and think of what you can do. Pamakot ka while still you are healthy and strong. Face your future, don't ever think you cannot make for God has given you all. Isn’t he right in saying this so?

At this point of time, in this era of globalization wherein we can’t describe the kind of life we have. Life expansion decreases due to many illnesses and diseases. It becomes unpredictable when we can’t do anything but to face life as it is. Competitiveness among nations, tribes and even religion brings deep impact to our lives. Thousand of people lost their lives because of such conflict. Survival for poverty really a prime problem of human being. Million of people died because of have nothing to eat.

Now, is Komeni right of giving us a signal to move ahead and to strive hard inorder to survive from this vulnerable world? This is not advertising Komeni but it somehow gives us the lesson to be vigilant of our life.

Connect this message to our own distinctions and undertakings as individuals. As teachers for example, pamakotinka, value your responsibility of molding and teaching the young generation because perhaps time maybe too late for you to do it and you might regret after all. Do this while you are still in the position, while you are strong and while you have all the opportunities of doing it all.

The last line of Komeni’s song says “ Now is the time to reflect on. Ponder on and move fast”. This is just a mere song of an ordinary moro artist but let us not forget great move and action start from an ordinary and simple plan.


Just recently, the global sultanates summit was successfully done. Alhamdulillah, we thanks Allah for the success of the event, everything went smoothly with global summit in Mindanao on 10th and 11th December, 2010, HRH princess Aizian Utto Camsa said in Facebook.

The said summit was attended by the prominent royal Sultans and royal families around the globe, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Philippines and other well-known countries. The theme of the summit “THE CULTURAL PARACTICES EMBODIED IN THE UNIVERSAL DECLAIRATION OF HUMAN RIGHT, TREATIES AND CONVIENTION”

The convener of the that summit was the royal sultanate of Raja Buayaan Darussalam and the united sultanates of Baguinged Tawlan Darussalam, the event was hold in royal palace hotel in General Santos city, Philippine


In the name of ARTS and LITERATURE, Meranaos exceed on these. They have the Bayok and Darangen that until now are never been break their record in the entire country. The beautiful dances like Singkil, Fan Dance and Kapamalong malong are still have big contribution in Philippine culture. Every single matter of Meranao’s life has its meaning and properly guided with Taritib and Igma.

Putri Erlynda is a symbol of undying Mranao songs, she poses and Talented in traditional folk song, support her and the other Mranao Talents

........WEEKLY SONG LYRICS........

By AKIE Band
Ipoon ko
kiapakang-ginawae ta
sukabo e sii sa pikir akun
sabap ko olaolangka a mapia
dikodun kalipatan
Di akun kagaga
Obaka rakun mada
Di akundun kaparo
Di akun Ska mailay
Ko gagawi-i dao-ndao
Ska e mapipikir
Dadun a lawanuka
Dadun a rimbangka
Na obangka kalipati
So kiapakang-garing ta
Di akundun kagaga
Obakongka ribona
Apia andaka mariribon
Pulolobaan akun ska
Apia andaka pagagao
Na magagao akoron
Repeat II & Chorus
Repeat Chorus


bY: maDSki


Miaroro miaroro
So lo’ sa manga mata ko
Sa kalipudus kalipudus
A rata a ginawako


Mipirogo mipirogo
So puso akun sabap ruka
Sa ladang ko riniwada
Ko ranon ago so gagao


What can I do what can I do
My life is nothing without you
Forgive me darling if I’m wrong
Come back it’s me where you belong

My love my love
Ranon angka
Sa ladang ko m’balingan ka
Lalayon ka sa dar akun
Ikararanon ko suka


What can I do what can I do
Sa ginawako o maribon ka
Sabarang ka o ribat ako
Mbalingan ka rakun
o garing akun


Ikararanon ko suka
Ikararanon ko suka

Nasasabik By Fred Panopio
Translated to Maranao
By Datu Ontay

(By unknown band)

Kataya so Tutholan
Ki masolampay a busao
Lomalangkap sa Ranao
Kala iyan e kakan
Maka pito makakan
Ko mababasa alongan
Aya kakana iyan
Mala ko palang-gada
Aya inoma iyan
Maito ko baldi
Madalum e kasawao
Pito ka porgada

Salakao ron aya
Minisolda akun
Tharoon ta e babunar
Mialunganian so kadato
Sulotan di kapuno
Kabugatan dasukan
Datu a lomanggowap
Sangcopan sa kathaka

Salakaoron aya
Dipuman kaolitan
Badun papagutiya
Pukun o pukunian

Reapat II & III

RaNoN AgO sO GaGao
By variety Band

Piygayonan ta
sa badun ribona
So dita kang-ginawai
Ka dabo a lalao
A di kang-gaing
ka sa dar akun

Oh…. Lilang ko
Sayana a marugun
Masakit sa ginawa
Kapukha piker akun
So ranon
Go so gagaw’ng ka rakun
Lalayondun sa piker
Go sa ginawa
Na inao lilang
Na babo kikasoy
So kiyang-garing ta

Pukha taduman ko
So manga gawii
So gawii a kasosonor
Sa imanto aya
Romunda di torogun
Na mindag di roparopun
Sabap ruka

Reapeat II 3x

TiGkA ObA DuDol
By Maher

Adun a katawang ko
A kalalagan a wata
A kilala niyan a babay
Aya niyambo thotol
A ranon gagaw niyanon
Pakisisipatiyan a thito
Niyan a ipapatay

Ipulalong iyangkon
Ramig iyan mipamono
Tomokon oba matay
Odi siran makatharosa
Inao wata kulay
Tigo manga lokes iyan
Malongka pakalanata
Ka dapun a sokatanuka

Miyondog so katawangko
Tiyomaniyan a milalong
Gagawii ndaondaw
Na mbaram-barang a sowanian
Aya miakambono
so mbala a lokes iyan
katamba amairan
so tig akun a kasowa

Gowiranon dolonun
ko wata iran a mama
na miapangaroma niyan
ipapatay niyan a raga
Miyababaya siran
Ka miyaka sigorado
Salodo ako ruka
Grabi ka a mama
Miyaka sorga ka
Ka pakatataya angka

Kay maka pito Olan
Miyada so kapag enjoy
Minisambi na ilat-ilat
O manga panoganganiyan
Anta mambo e mabaya
Sa mama tarabosaw
Daa miyasowa iyan
Na dipun matao zozokat
Somasayan sa matao
Si toropa a boklo
Na ramig mimbabawata
Na dadun makasowa zozokat
oWoOoOoOoOh !!!

Giyanan e marugun
Ko tao a mala e lalag
Tigiyan oba dodol
So mabibitin ko koda
So kapangaroma aki
Na kunaba kazandagan
K’naba anan khakan
Masmo kawn na awaingka
OwOoOoOoOoh !!!


MaLa E MaTa

Tonia problema?
Inoka ini pukharaangiti
Dingka di pamikira
E baka di sundit
Imanto a miadata

Bangka dun di khatadumi
So kiabogawangka rakun
Sii dun pun sa danga
O mga ginawaingka
A manga ala e mata
Manga ala e mata

If you only knew
Pukataduman ko
So kiya bulag angka rakun
Pira ka olan ini tigur akun
Kalipatan ko bo so ngaran ka
Bangkadun kiatadumi roo
Sa children’s park sa iligan
Dikadi magpa’cute ko
Pukabayaan ka a mala e mata
Mala pun e tiyan

Dingka dun di pamikira
E Bangka kikasoy
So manga gawii manga oras
A pud akongka
P’ki oman ka badun
Sakit ka sa ulo
Balingkadun ki pagidaan ka
A mala e mata, a mala e mata

Katawan ka a pakatatayaan ako
E love akun imanto
Di ako niyan puzasanbiin
Apya pun sidun si Khomeini
Repeat II
NeYhoOoOoOo wOoOo wOoOoH

Dikadun di sundit ka dingka bo
Kikasoy so miyanga una gawii
Diba pitharo akun ruka
Pakatatayaan ako e love akun imanto
P’wes balingkadun ka metext
Na n’dodo roo sa crossing
Dikadun punggoraok ka naba ako guwapo
Lagid e Piolo, pihing akung ulo
NeYhOooOoOo wOoOoo woOOoh

Repeat chorus 2x

Mori a Kapranon
Meranao Translation by Sen. Domocao Alonto

Rambayong modas ako, Ko inged a pilombayan
A bemberano alongan a montiya migagadong
Ko karodano sebangan a indawag ko a sanang
A saliyo a darakn a ginawa ko a rasay
Ka ompen olbi sa ropa sa antawa a daradat
Na taman ko kakawasa natarima ka kakasi
indawag a katrang a pagalad o marandang
igira sa temoan a lekepan so mawaraw
na miyada so balamban a kabutowan sa
Klong na mars-res malanat malngga masopiit
na tanandn paninindg ko ingd a pilombayan
Ka so irigi sa bansa na turoga ipanganganting
a daa ikaugyan ayakakelabakn
Na anday kabinentay o pamorawag ko langit
Apgangano liwanag a kaug o maliboteng
O bapno damargn o karanti o alongan a kariga o darako
na pasionotnka a karagiraynian
Ka anian mipmanis a diinian kaganao
Ko senang a pembokakas a maika kabengkasan
A kalibotung o kobor matawantawan roo
so miyaling ding sa baya
Dingkadn pelingiya e kiyarandanganian
O wana kanegka a sengkoa pekabanding
Na giyoto so pangni a ipamangni o tao
Sa kapakasorga aka na oponay so mera
Ko linsa o kobor akn daa rowar ko salam
Na paki aminkaon so sii ko koba ko na
Misangi ko otanon a obarobara lombay
Napakisamberen ka ko sagado napas
Ka obarakn bayogn ko sold o kobor akn
A mapagadimat akn amay ko kalipatan
So tampat o kobor akn ka apay so linsa miyan
Na miyada sa ginawa napakinaksenekandado
Ko taribasok anon makaselano
So ombiyo tolan akn a sabap a iramiram
A pamomolan a tumbak a dadna oba akn
A kipi ko rinibon ka sii ko langit
ka a raks o palaonka goso balintad
ka a dii kazolay
An o sindaw go so lalis na miyakazanaoray
So ombi o tolan akn
Pilimpinas daabay a inged a pakarimbar
A simoketa ladan ko na pamamakineganka
So mori sa pagirowin ka sii ko tangan ka na
Rokaknon ganati so langowa garingka
Mbalinga ko inged a daon so karingasa go so
Kaoripn kandatadataron so tao
Ka dapamarintaon a rowar ko dikasangkay
Na modas ako rekano ka so kalab na kadka.
Thank You Myspace Comments
Please Support the new song of JASABS06, DI PASIN OTO, this is the Meranao version of Despacito a viral Spanish song with many versions, In behalf of this website and Datu Ontay, we salute and two Thumbs ups to the JASABS06 GROUP for making quality songs. Congrats.
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